Calling My Dating App Matches Was So Worth It

You've swiped, matched, and exchanged a few messages, but now what? The next step in finding that special someone might just be a phone call away. There's something powerful about hearing someone's voice for the first time. It can help you gauge their personality, sense of humor, and overall vibe in a way that texting simply can't. So, why not take the plunge and give your matches a call? Who knows, that phone call could be the start of something truly special. Learn more at this dating site in Saudi Arabia.

In the world of online dating, it's easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of swiping, matching, and messaging. But as someone who has been on the dating app scene for quite some time, I've come to realize that there's a key component that's often overlooked: actually picking up the phone and calling your matches.

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I'll be the first to admit that I was hesitant to take this step at first. After all, isn't texting enough? But after giving it a try, I can confidently say that calling my dating app matches was so worth it. Here's why.

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Building a Genuine Connection

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One of the biggest benefits of calling my matches was the ability to build a genuine connection. While texting can be convenient, it often lacks the depth and nuance that comes with hearing someone's voice. By having a real conversation over the phone, I was able to get a better sense of my matches' personalities, interests, and sense of humor. This not only helped me feel more connected to them, but it also made it easier to gauge whether or not we had real chemistry.

Breaking the Ice

Let's face it: first dates can be nerve-wracking. By calling my matches before meeting up in person, I was able to break the ice and alleviate some of the initial awkwardness. Having a phone conversation allowed us to get to know each other in a more relaxed setting, which made our first date feel much more natural and comfortable.

Avoiding Miscommunication

Texting can be a breeding ground for miscommunication. Without the tone of voice and body language to guide the conversation, it's all too easy for messages to be misinterpreted. By calling my matches, I was able to avoid these misunderstandings and have clear, open conversations that helped us understand each other better.

Saving Time and Energy

Another benefit of calling my matches was the time and energy it saved in the long run. By having a phone conversation early on, I was able to quickly determine whether or not there was potential for a real connection. This saved me from investing time and effort into dates with people I didn't click with, and allowed me to focus on the matches that had real potential.

Tips for Calling Your Matches

If you're considering taking the plunge and calling your dating app matches, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Timing is key. Try to call when you know you'll both have time to chat without distractions.

2. Keep it casual. There's no need to have a scripted conversation – just be yourself and let the conversation flow naturally.

3. Be respectful. Not everyone may be comfortable with a phone call, so be understanding if your match prefers to stick to texting.

In conclusion, calling my dating app matches was a game-changer for me. It allowed me to build genuine connections, break the ice, avoid miscommunication, and save time and energy. If you're looking to take your online dating experience to the next level, I highly recommend giving it a try. You never know – your next great love story could start with a simple phone call.